martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Gluten Free Shopping List

Tips for a gluten free shopping list

It is now much easier to make a gluten free shopping list, than it once was. There are many online sites that list all the foods you can buy without fear when gluten-free groceries. In addition, many grocery chains sell gluten-free products is designed specifically for people with celiac disease. When you make your gluten free shopping list make sure it contains items from each food group so you can eat a balanced diet.

What to eat

Gluten free shopping list may not include products that contain wheat, rye and barley. However, it is still a lot of food for a person with celiac disease can eat with confidence. All fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices are gluten free. You can also eat all the fresh, unprocessed meat, poultry, fish and shellfish. Milk, cream, vegetable oil, olive oil and butter are safe to eat. You can also eat eggs, nuts, peas, beans, jelly, Jello, peanut butter, honey, wild rice, more cheese and yogurt, cereals and some brands of ice cream. If you are unsure whether a product is safe to eat Check the ingredients, or do a little research will find out before you add to your shopping list gluten.

Special Products

When it comes to writing a shopping list for people with celiac disease has many more options than before. Many grocery stores and specialty retailers online now in-stock designed specifically for people who are gluten intolerant. These products include things that celiac disease would not normally able to eat such as xanthan gum flour, cereals, waffles, pasta, cakes, sweets, biscuits, bread, biscuits and pizza. These special products allow people with celiac disease to eat a diet rich and varied as the others. The shopping list gets more and more gluten-free, so people with celiac disease does not need to feel like an intruder.


If your local grocery store does not stock special products for gluten, you may feel as if the shopping list is still very limited. If this is true, it is your duty to speak, and suggests that the grocery store would stock a special gluten-free items. It is worth mentioning that five hundred people in the U.S. have celiac disease, so it is definitely gluten-free products on the market. The more you have the right to eat a balanced diet, without fear of unpleasant symptoms develop.

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